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Valentine's Day Every Day - The Spirit Of Bhakti Yoga
...hen extend our hearts open to embrace others.Loving PracticeWe can cultivate and strengthen the flow of love in our heart by thinking beyond viewing love as romancing a significant other. Expand your concept of Love. Reach out with loving intention to spread joy with everyone with whom you come into contact. Act in such a way that every cell of yours is vibrating with the energy ...more
Enjoy The Wonderful Benefits Of Yoga
...The positions that Yoga uses will activate a variety of joints in the body. Many of these joints are not stimulated during regular exercise.Rewards of Yoga 2: The lubrication of tendons, ligament and joints will be maximized. Studies have proven that the ligaments and tendons get exercised in the body by the Yoga positions.Your body may have been stiff when you started Yoga but rese...more
The History of Yoga texts used by Vedic priests. Yoga is a means of achieving spiritual enlightenment.Originally, yoga techniques were passed down from teacher to student through word of mouth. These techniques had never been written down until the Indian sage Patanjali wrote down a systematic method of yoga in the Yoga Sutras. Patanjali is considered ...more
The Benefits of Practicing Yoga
...station called as ‘Hatha Yoga’, preaches the same thing as the other four, considered by ordinary people as difficult to practice, but emphasizes more on physical health.Hinduism has a lot of literatures and treatises written on all four forms plus the Hatha Yoga. Patanjali, one prominent of them, is credited as being the proponent of yogasanas as yoga is known popularly today. The...more
Yoga Styles - Part 2
... motivation!Yoga as an exercise has formed interesting modern styles such as naked yoga, chair yoga, laughter yoga and hip hop yoga. Instructors are very creative in inventing new fun styles. I'm positive there must be a yoga for everyone!No matter where you go, there are certain things you can do in general, ...more


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