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Benefits Of Yoga During Pregnancy
...nd also help her strengthen her muscles that are involved in childbirth and labor.Besides that doing yoga exercises will make you aware of yourself and your baby so that you can fully take care of your health and the baby's. Yoga exercises will teach you stretch your body so that you relieve tension and other discomforts associated with ...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Creating Happiness From Within
...than someone who is unemployed. Life is not fair, but it is not all bad. Even in the worst of times, people of exceptional character rise up with courage and vision. The person, who sees a “bench mark” of material wealth, as a gateway to happiness, has “missed the boat.”While he or she was chasing a million dollar d...more
Yoga - Its True Meaning and Purpose
...ard for the other four fingers. The physical practice of asanas is just one of eight limbs that constitute the entire practice of yoga…or, to be exact, Kriya Yoga.So what is Kriya Yoga? It’s difficult to explain Kriya Yoga without first defining Yoga.Yoga is a state of consciousness in which all fluctuations of the mind have ceased. In other ...more
The Essence of Karma Yoga
...he will of God. In the eyes of the world an action can be judged on how significant it is. However to a Karma Yogin even the smallest of actions becomes of the utmost importance, if it is performed with the correct attitude.A Karmin yogi does not believe in the path of renunciation. Unlike a jnani yogi a Karma yogi aspires to serve God through serving God in humanity. S...more
Karma Yoga - The Yoga Of Selfless Service
... and is action, which purifies the Antahkarana (the heart and mind) in preparation for achieving consciousness of the Divine. Karma Yoga is service without attachment or egoism.Although all actions cause Karma and all actions on the material plane are made up of both good and bad Karma, you cannot avoid Karma by doing nothing at all. What causes bad Karma is egoistic actions, done wit...more


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