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A Brief Introduction To The Science Of Yoga
...ffected and strengthened through practice of Yoga. The word 'yoga' means oneness or unity and comes from the Sanskrit word 'yuj' which means has the meaning of joining together.Yoga is not magic or sorcery, neither is it mental or physical debauchery. Those practicing yoga believe that the human mind is guilty of five wrong beliefs which must be ...more
Fitness Coach Warns Golfers AGAINT Yoga and Pilates
...ity performed explosively at very high speeds. Activities like Yoga and Pilates don’t address these demands and can even be destructive to the function of the muscles and tendons,” says Moret. “In high speed activities like golf, the tendons function like springs or rubber bands to produce club-head-speed. The slower, more passive flexibility in Yoga and Pilates ro...more
Yoga Teacher Guidelines for Assisting, Part 1
...eachers to give a physical assist?As most of you already know, a physical assist is for the purpose of adjusting a student into proper alignment in a Yoga class. So, why make such a “fuss” over it? One Yoga student may see something as an assist - while another may feel you have crossed the line into ...more
Another Reason to Get to Your Nearest Yoga Class
...India, and colleagues, published in journal Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice evaluated the beneficial effects of yoga and meditation in 101 adults who showed symptoms of metabolic syndrome. In the study, 55 adults received three months of regular yoga including standard stress management yoga postu...more
Beginning Yoga Guidelines
...t; while in the West, yoga is now practiced as both an effective physical and spiritual routine. However, contrary to popular belief, yoga is not considered a form of exercise because unlike the the speedy motion required in an workout, yoga involves very slow and steady movements. But still, regular practice of yoga provides great health benefits, as it tones the musc...more
