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Another Reason to Get to Your Nearest Yoga Class
...vating a calm mind and a healthy body. Now, studies are revealing that yoga may be a one of the most valuable answers to our society's greatest health disasters.A recent study in Channai, India has shown that a yoga practice is fantastic for treating metabolic syndrome, or syndrome x. It can actually reverse the clinical and biochemical changes associated with this a...more
Headache Relief - Gentle Exercises to Soothe the Pain Away
...your body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. They teach you how to breathe correctly and deeply, and how to breathe the stress and tension right out of your body.A good yoga teacher will also teach you how to relax your mind. A deeply-relaxed mind combined with a deeply-relaxed body will quickly end many headaches and migraine...more
Yoga Postures For Infertility with feet flat on the floor , - Move your feet to your bottom as close as possible, -Inhale and exhale deeply 4 times, then slowly lift your pelvis and buttocks off the floor while keeping your feet flat on the floor, -Clasp your hands behind your back, -Stay in this pose for a minute or two while breathing deeply.2. Leg...more
Yoga History 101 But yoga also means ‘to actively put to use’ or ‘yoke’ or ‘join’. Today, it is agreed upon that yoga is a method of joining or a discipline. Men who practice yoga are called yogi or yogin and women who practice yoga are called yogini.Yoga was first passed from generation to generation by word of mouth. It was...more
Yoga Vinyasas – Which Ones Are Right For You? designed to build your strength and increase your overall flexibility. Like with most vinyasas, you may find variations on this depending on what style of yoga you are using, but there are a few basic poses and a flow that is fairly consistent among the variations.For the Sun Salutation, you go through the flow twice in order to complete one round. ...more


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