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Four Yoga Business Tips to Get Paying Clients From The Web all kinds of web sites were included with no organized theme. Next, people engaged in reciprocal linking schemes to trade links between two or more unrelated web sites in an effort to game the search engines.These days the search engines are smarter, so increasing your yoga web site's authority isn't simply a matter of submitting your link here and there al...more
The Therapeutic and Spiritual Secrets of Yoga Gurus
...the relationship of Yoga and psychology. In the 70's; yogi Bhajan started the Kundalini Yoga, and founded the 3HO (holy, happy and healthy). Sri Krishnamacharya taught the Viniyoga Hatha Yoga. His son, Desikachar, continued on this tradition. Obviously, this family was so into Yoga, as Desikachar's brother in l...more
Can you Lose Weight Without Exercising?
...roup only lost 4.25 pounds! The Guided Imagery group lost twice as much!Acupuncture. Some research suggests that acupuncture can help promote weight loss and reduce hunger. There are points on the ear that are used to suppress appetite and Acupuncture can help reduce anxiety, relieve pain and help you become physically active.Massage. Last but not least there’s Massage and other type...more
Yoga Teacher Training Aspect - The Motivation to Improve
....As a result of the way you take advantage of waiting time, your health is improved, and you will be motivated when reading or listening to inspirational materials. There is no limit to the topics you can choose.Affirmations are useful, but what if you could find a book full of them? What if you could find an audi...more
The Heart of a Yoga Practice: Dedicating Your Efforts
...pose of your yoga practice is not to keep you rooted in this world, but to let you move through it, you begin to have faith in your ability to reach the divine with your actions. It can ignite the soul and give you a sense of renewed dignity and worth. Because you know that you’re not just performing the motions for your own benefit, the sense of satisfaction...more


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