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Yogic Stress Management Therapy - Don't Worry, Be Happy
...earn than meditation. The most common reason for a Yoga student to be uncomfortable with sitting, or lying down, is an underlying fear of getting to know him or herself.When you make the time to get to know yourself, this is time well spent, but many people, who do not practice relaxation or meditation met...more
What You Need to Know When You Start Yoga Exercises
...roughout the positions and poses. It's a good idea to visit a few yoga classes and perhaps sit in on a session or two to learn more about each instructor, and then choose the one that you like best.It's important that you approach yoga with the right mental attitude. It is not a competition. It is not a challenge. You are not trying to do something better than anyone else. In fact, yoga is a ...more
Yoga For Digestive Disorders
... solutions to several health related problems even today. This is the reason why great many numbers of people have been practicing yoga regularly for years and living a healthy life, not just healthy body but also healthy mind.Yoga aims at working towards bringing a balance in mind and body of a person, 'yoga' the word itself means union, i.e. union of body and mind for a healthy living...more
The Essence Of Kundalini Yoga
...subtle channels of energy, called ida and pingala, which run adjacent to the spine on each side. This results in the gradual ignition of the kundalini energy at the base of the spine and it begins to rise up through a central channel in the spinal column, known as the sushumna nadi. As it rises, it passes through various psycho-energetic centers known as chakras. As the c...more
Fitness DVDs: Great for Beginners at Fitness Training
...f fitness DVDs available and the variety of subjects covered. Pretty much every fitness technique that has ever existed is explored in some DVD, I would think. At my local video store I saw DVDs on aerobics, dance, martial arts, tai chi, Taebo, yoga, weight training, stretching, even juggling! There were videos for...more
