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Hatha Yoga
...n-abusive sexuality, security, and how to eliminate greed.Niyama: Niyama is about personal practices. It teaches purity, discipline, contentment, self-examination, and spiritual attunement with GOD.Asana: Asanas are the physical exercises in Hatha Yoga. There are many asanas and are of varying difficulty. There are some that are less difficult for beginners that can help you work...more
Yoga is Self Improvement
...way to prioritize life’s daily problems.As a result of this, the Yoga student is able to set and prioritize goals. Whether it is a serious goal or a whim, ideas that produce seeds of thought become reality, especially when followed by action. This formula will produce even more bursts of positive energy within the mind, resulting in a producti...more
Universal Principles of Yoga, Part 4
...e a priceless reward, but most people do not come to this realization. By giving, forgiving, showing kindness, being mindful, and letting go of attachment, the Karma Yogi experiences freedom. This is freedom from hate, guilt, fear, and greed.Think of “The Middle Way” as taught by Siddhartha Gautama, also known as “The Buddha.” He taught avoidance of extre...more
In the Presence of BKS Iyengar
...year in Estes Park. Each time I have been impressed with his forthright honesty and instinctive knowledge and skill. I have watched him time and again adjust people in poses, add a prop, give weight and resistance, or take the resistance away, always with the end result of restoring them to balance and lightness of being, beyond their pa...more
Yoga Stories - The Yoga Energy Arose In Me And Asked Me What I Wanted
...rams I had for the last ten years, although we never actually talked before. She sat down next to me and we chatted the entire 45 minutes back home until my station stop.Because of the energy that arose in me, and because my wish was fulfilled, I was swimming with gratitude and awe. And I was filled with the recognition that I was connected to a larger scheme of things that normall...more
