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The Truth about Options for Yoga Teachers, Part 3
...hings come to mind when we hear the words “Power Yoga,” but the roots of Power Yoga are usually related to Ashtanga Yoga. This is not always the case, but more often, than not, Power Yoga is an offshoot of Ashtanga Yoga.Thinking about Power Yoga may conjure up vivid images of Yoga teachers like Beryl Bender Birch, Bryan Kest, or Baron Baptiste. This ...more
Ashtanga Yoga - What's It All About
... Surya Namaskar, which is the sun salutation, and follow with a series of different standing and sitting exercises, and inversion and relaxation exercises.The second set of exercise in the series is called Nadi Shodana, which helps to build strength in the nervous system. The exercises in this series follow a similar sequence to what is practiced in the first series, but with the inclusion...more
Yoga Proving Popular for Kids
...e focus. In yoga, kids learn how to focus on what they are doing in the moment and let go of distractions and worries. The breathing and inward focus that is a main component of any yoga practice can help your child learn to focus his mind more effectively. A number of studies have shown that many childr...more
Bhakti Yoga, The Yoga of Love
...edge of the scriptures, into second place. All types of yoga, all forms of knowledge, are based on true faith, true devotion, on true Bhakti Yoga. For without love for the Divine, one hasn't the motivation to make the sometimes incredible efforts to achieve consciousness of the Divine. No amount of intellectual training, no amount of physical training, can achieve th...more
Are Yoga, Samadhi, and Universal Tolerance, Dangerous?
...assion or anger.”Swami Krishnananda says this so well that you may have to read his words many times before complete realization. Unsettled thinking does make one forget the Presence of God.Look at the cruelty man inflicts on his fellow man. Do you think an oppressor is considering the Presence of God...more
