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Yoga Instructor Training - Teaching Multiple Levels in the Same Class
...nt as if he, or she, were in an exercise class, you can still make it interesting for all levels. The less flexible students will need help with modifications, or possibly, need to use props.This does not mean that props are for the less flexible students, only, because physically-gifted students can benefit from optimum alignment. There is always a way to challenge a physically-gifte...more
lshwarapranidhana (Devotion)
...which, although inseparable from vairagya as such deserves a few words. This is the aspect called pratyahara. It indicates a withdrawal of the senses and mind from the objects of enjoyment. The five cognitive senses,' namely, the organs of sight, touch, hearing, smell and taste, grasp specific stimuli alone. For example, the organ of ...more
Yoga - An Easy Way To Stay Healthy - Part 1
...e feet up while taking hands high in the air gradually moving the head back while inhaling and retain the original position gradually while exhaling your breath. Repeat the posture several times.Forward bend posture/ Uttanasana II:This posture helps in stretching the legs and spines and rests the heart and neck muscles ...more
Yoga and Positive Thinking Methods for Anxiety Relief
...ur mind are much similar to the turmoil of the ocean, but with training in meditation you can learn to harness the power of your mind from within. During a meditation session, you can focus on an external object or on yourself.Whatever you do, when you practice meditation, your thoughts must be positive, and you must make the time. The focused mind is productive, can make a difference, and d...more
Universal Principles of Yoga, Part 1
...r “union.” Your next question might be, “Unity with what?” Yoga does help unify the mind and body, but it also unifies the spirit or soul within you with God. The soul is sometimes known as the “Atman” and can also be referred to as pure or true consciousness. Yoga is not a religion, but it can be practiced in h...more
