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How To Begin Your Yoga Practice In Texas
... by a small altar or by the teacher’s mat. Don't line up your mat exactly with the one next to it because you and your neighbor will need some space in certain poses. The students can sit in a cross-legged position and wait for class to start, or perform some gentle stretching exercises.Some teachers may begin class by leading the class in chanting "om" three ti...more
Isn't it Time to Try Kundalini Yoga?
...s poses, combined with breathing and meditation exercises. While Kundalini yoga still concerns itself with forms and poses, it places much more emphasis on breathing, chanting, and releasing a special energy we all possess unawares.In Kundalini yoga, the special energy is likened to a powerful serpent lying asleep at the base of the spin...more
Yoga Fundamentals: The Seven Chakras
...chakras can be categorized:Sahasrara - cerebral cortex or top of the head. Ajna - eye brows. Visshudha - throat. Anahata - heart area. Manipura - solar plexus. Svadhistana - lower back or hip, abdomen and genitals. Muladhara - base of the spine.Through the ancient art of yoga you can concentrate your energy to and from the various chakras of your body and this can hel...more
Ayurvedic Beauty Care care mostly is Ayurvedic lifestyle itself. However there are some additional usages of ointments and including healthy food items in your diet.Ayurvedic beauty care includes employing techniques for skin care, hair care, eye care, foot care and to keep optimum body mass. There is no place for ama (bodily toxic wastes) in t...more
Designing a Plan to Become a Yoga Teacher, Part 1
...ow to teach Yoga classes. You should also learn about how to succeed in the Yoga teaching business. These factors will also determine how fast you progess once your Yoga teacher training course has concluded.Where should you learn to teach Yoga? There are many options for Yoga teacher training, so let’s cover a few of them. If yo...more


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