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Yoga - The Fat Burner
...all about eating the right thing in the right quantity. A Yoga diet ensures the input of proper nutrients. Healthy eating habits make people feel fitter and cleaner. Although the Yoga Diet is not a diet in the common sense of the word, it helps one to lose considerable weight by just eating only healthy foods. Following the basic ...more
Yoga - Supplies Make A Difference
...ll, but they also keep your back from being injured during the stretch. As with any method in yoga, it is wise to see the yoga ball stretches demonstrated for you before you try them on your own. Whether this demonstration comes from an instructor or an instructional DVD is up to you.In addition to the mat, yoga balls and the yoga mat bag, there are a number of other useful and pop...more
Yoga Teacher Training: Am I Too Old to Become a Yoga Teacher?
...s of experience, but feel intimidated by the “young hard bodies.” This is a deep subject, so let’s take a closer look at what holds some of us back from becoming a Yoga teacher.The following three issues are worth mentioning at this point:1. Is Hatha Yoga strictly a physical practice?2. If Hatha Yoga we...more
A Brief Timeline of Yoga
...ely to what your dreams are telling you. This knowledge is used to better your waking life by helping you pay more attention to your daily realities, dreamed or shared.Jnana YogaJnana yoga is the study of the philosophy of yoga; Jnana is the Sanskrit word for knowledge . The practice of this yoga involves deep meditation practice, study of the self, the True Self and the Transcendental Self. The...more
When Does One Become A Yoga Teacher?
...teachers make new and innovative discoveries along the way.Hopefully, innovative Yoga teachers will record their discoveries for future generations. None of us has a life long enough to learn all that has been written over 5,000 years, but we learn everything that will help our students live a better quality life and more. Every student ailment is...more


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