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Yoga Isn't Just For The Younger Crowd - Find Out How Yoga For Elders Is Becoming More Popular
...s forms a better foundation for older people on which to begin practicing yoga. It is not advisable for elders to practice some of the more acrobatic yoga poses but most elders can still practice many of the breathing and relaxation techniques of yoga.As far as physical movement is concerned, we are becoming less active as a society. With TV as the primary activity of the day, many elde...more
Learning the Popular Styles of Yoga - Ashtanga, Bikram, and Kundalini on a set series of poses performed in a heated room. The creator of the style, Bikram Choudhury, designated twenty-six poses that constitute the Bikram style. The temperature of the room is ideally set to 105 degrees. By keeping the room at a high temperature, the muscles of the body are more flexible. This is a controversial style because of an intellectual property lawsuit by Choudhury...more
A Look into the Future
... what has occurred and likely will not impact what will occur. How often have you worried and worried about something and found that all that energy had been wasted? To paraphrase a quote I once heard, many spend 90% of their lives worrying about things that never happen.Today's newscasters do a wonderful job of improving our stress levels by prognosticating worst-case...more
Child Yoga - What is All the Fun About?
... is of normal weight, yoga can help her become stronger, gain endurance and flexibility. If your child is involved in another sport, a regular yoga practice is a great cross training activity and it may help him reduce the risk of injuries.The ability to control stress – Today's children are under e...more
If You're Serious About Being Healthy - Get In Front Of A Computer
...class, without the hassle or its limitations. Online yoga classes give us: Yoga instruction on demand so we can practice yoga according to our own schedules. Fit a session in before work, at lunch or in the evening – there’s no need to check your yoga center's class schedules. Yoga wherever you are No need to fight traffic, pay for parking ...more
