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Yoga and Obesity
...per one report nearly 14 percent of British youngsters are clinically obese. The cost of Obesity to the NHS is about £ 1 billion a year. By 2010 the number of overweight and obese youngsters in the European Union nations is expected to hit 26 million. An estimated 20,000 obese youngsters will have ty...more
Allergies - Yoga and Lifestyle way with slow deep breathing relaxes the nervous system is beneficial in fighting allergies.** Kapalabhati breathing is great for allergies as it forces out the mucus.** Standing poses-forward and backward bends, and twists tends to massage various parts of the spine and the thoracic cage and condition the lungs.b) Lifestyle to be changed if one has a stress...more
Yoga Teacher Training: The Value of the Sage in Yoga her Tai Chi class.Needless to say, she did not sign up for either class. About Yoga: She claimed that one Yoga class was all she needed. She had “been there and done that.” She was bored by Yogic philosophy, Pranayama, and meditation. She had “mastered” everything about Yoga in one beginner class.My Grandfather used to say, “You can’t reason with a horse’s tail.” So, there was no poin...more
Yoga Therapy
...fitting to allow free movement of the limbs. The mind should be kept off all disturbances and tensions. Regularity and punctuality in practicising yogic exercises is essential. Generally, 5 a.m. to 8 a.m. is the ideal time for yoga practices. Yoga asanas and pranayama should be practised only after mastering th...more
How To Ease Back Pain
...ario more times, with more people, than I can count. It only takes once to experience the difference. No drugs involved, but it sure is habit forming!An Alternative:So, what is the magic on the tape? Suspend judgement for a moment. It is yoga, but not like the yoga you may have seen or heard horror stories about.A little background. I first b...more
