
Yoga Meditation Exercises


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The Truth About Vinyasa Yoga
...f the heat generated in a typical Vinyasa class is internal body heat. As a result of all this internal heat, you will most likely sweat. Therefore, bring a towel and a bottle of good quality water.When used for personal health maintenance, Vinyasa Yoga is the ultimate cross training system, with low impact moveme...more
Hatha Yoga - The Yoga Of Movement
...enters along the spine, which allow spiritual energy or Kundalini, resident in latent form at the base of the spine, to travel up the spine and out of the head's Sahasrara Chakra, thereby elevating the spirit of the practitioner to bring him closer to Cosmic Consciousness. Equally important in this process is pranayama, control of the breath. This...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Yogic Stress Management have a pro-active lifestyle, which is much similar to the person who wakes up early to exercise, walk, or run in the early morning.Most people are reacting to deadlines at work, and home, every day. People often worry about lack of income, finances, and their relationships, because they do not have a plan and see no solution to the never ending cycle of...more
Yoga - The Fat Burner
...a-asana), Half Spinal Twist posture (Garuda-asana), Cobra or Snake posture (Naga-asana), Hero posture (Vira-asana), Cow face posture (Gomukha-asana), Plow posture (Hala-asana), Hand-foot-big toe posture (Hasta-pada-angusta), Fish posture (Matsya-asana), King of the Dance posture (Nataraja-asana), Lotus posture (Padma-asana), Turned Side-Angle posture...more
The Essence of Karma Yoga
...oga a seeker takes an active part in the world, not for earthly fame or gain, but to bring about a more divine life on earth.The secret of Karma Yoga is detachment. This means an aspirant is not attached to the result of his actions. He takes both failure and success with the same equanimity. This means he is not bloated with pride at success; nor does he despair when...more


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