
Video Yoga Practice For Meditation


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Yoga in Practice: Ajna Chakra
... eye” and is sometimes called,”the mind’s eye.” Whether you believe in the existence of chakras, or not, most of us accept the concepts of intuition and insight. These concepts enable us to use self-reflection for our own advancement.Most Yoga practitioners think only in terms of physical Yoga (Hatha Yoga), only. Yet all Yoga practitioners are aware that Yoga invol...more
Have a Health Problem? Yoga Can Solve It - Part 3
...recommended poses for various health problems as applicable.24. Laryngitis: Sun Salutations, the Shoulder stand and its counter pose. The Wheel pose.25. Lethargy: Sun Salutations, Shoulder stand and its counter poses, the Wheel Pose and the Balancing Poses.26. Menopause Disorders: Bow, Shoulder stand, Fish, Plough and Head to Knee Poses.27. Menstrual disorders: Bow, Shoulder stand, Fish...more
Why Meditation And Yoga Are So Good For You
...uations. In order to combat stress we need to learn how to relax, and that's where meditation and yoga come in.The practice of yoga has been around for hundreds of years (or more). It originated in India, and was introduced by holy men (called Yogis) who would meditate for days together, in order to tr...more
Anti-Aging And Yoga, Is There A Connection
...exist, however one stand-out will be the incomparable Yoga.It must be mentioned that there are three components of a total anti-aging exercise program which are Flexibility, Strength and Cardiovascular training.The good news is Yoga Exercises could give you all of those when practiced correctly. Moreover, when combined with other forms of body-weight exercises such as Pilates, Hindu...more
Healthy Mind & Mind With Yoga
...ourself physically. However, Yoga can help you back to a healthy blood pressure level, of which you must be aware of, if, you have read any Yoga books, texts, or listened to audiotapes on yoga. In case, you have, then no doubt, you must have come across Yoga Guru Patanjali, who defined Yoga as: “A steady a...more


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