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Yoga and MS
...s of MS management.What is MS?MS is an autoimmune disease in which the body's defensive immune system attacks and destroys the fatty tissue, the myelin surrounding nerves in the brain and spinal cord. These myelin sheaths perform the same function as insulation around an electrical wire. Without the myelin insulation, nerve impulses from brain to body can short out and become confused, mi...more
The Purpose of Yoga- Getting Rid of Negative Thoughts
...iety. Mentally see yourself solving the problem. If you are going to spend time on a problem, you must transcend worry, and work on a solution.Here is an example: If you have fear of public speaking, you must practice your speech. You could also go to the stage ahead of time. Most auditoriums are open ...more
Yoga Classes – The New Way For A Better Living pro, followed by a sumptuous lunch as per your choice of food and a personalized spa treatment for 80 minutes at our luxurious SpaAspen. This entire activity can be of a 1/2/3 day package as per your choice. We offer you a group package too in case you want to come along with your friends and family.Now, we can discuss the benefits of Y...more
Yoga for Kids: Holistic Approach to the Health of Our Children
...ions to obesity. The spammer’s approach is to make quick money off the public.When the majority of our population refuses to exercise, the easy money is in selling pills, instant weight loss, and “snake oil.” There is a solution, but most of us will not like it. Yogic diets are full of fruit, vegetables, and natur...more
Yoga History 101
... who practice yoga are called yogi or yogin and women who practice yoga are called yogini.Yoga was first passed from generation to generation by word of mouth. It wasn’t until about 2000 years ago when an Indian named Patanjali wrote ‘The Yoga Sutra’ that the philosophy of yoga was committed to paper. Yoga is not just about stretching and breathing and...more
