
Meditation Yoga Pillows


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Ayurveda, Yoga - Unique Indian Culture
...t only the ancient science of preventative health and healing but also a philosophy of living. It helps maintain health in a person by using the inherent principles of nature to bring the individual back into equilibrium with their true self. It believes that all of life are combinations of three energy-elements (doshas) - air (Vata), fire (Pitta), and water (Kapha). Imbalance of these dosha...more
The Truth About Options for Yoga Teachers, Part 4
...est of time, such as the Pilates Method. Only time will tell if a health maintenance system will span generations. If you are looking for an extra niche to add to your Yoga teaching skills, any one of these methods will compliment a Yoga class schedule.Chair Yoga: There are some Yoga teachers who should not consider this field. If a Yoga instructor does not believe in mod...more
Insider Secrets to Marketing your Yoga Teaching Service, Part 1
...tudio, or your last visit to Tibet, are interesting to the public and cost you nothing.If you send anything electronically, please make absolutely sure you have permission from the recipient. There are a number of penalties for sending out “Junk Email” (Spam). In the US, the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 is enforced by the Federal Trade Commission and can result in fines or imprison...more
Yoga and Relaxation and there throughout the day can add up.Think about it. How many people have their evening ruined just because some jerk cut in front of them on the way home? It's not that it's an earth shattering event, but it is just one more stressful event in a day that has been full of them. What if you could take just a couple of minutes and erase th...more
Muscle Fitness - Can Yoga Make You Stronger?
... muscle, but actively recruit the smaller muscle groups as well. You truly work your entire body when you practice yoga.Practicing yoga can help realign your muscles, so they are more balanced. Since you are not overworking any specific muscle group, you are less likely to get injured.In addition to all its other benefits, yoga can help you improve muscle fitness. Whether you choose to use ...more
