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How One Yoga Looking Push-up Can Work The Whole Body
...cing dog (an essential Yoga for beginner's pose) meets the Cobra Pose (with the legs apart though)Being as though I never cared for push-ups and sometimes just don't have the time to go through a whole Yoga routine from Sun Salutations to the Breathing Exercises, I have since integrated Hindu-Push ups as a part of my Yoga Exercise regimen...of course with my indispensable Sun Saluta...more
Yoga and Christianity a Conflict?
...ay, another person recently stated, “Good Christians should avoid the devil’s exercise,” in reference to Yoga.Are the Salem witch trials still so close to our hearts? These claims are interesting because ministers and priests have been practicing meditation for centuries, without any complaints.I suppose, if someone devoted enough time to meditating on bad...more
Yogic Stress Management Therapy - Don't Worry, Be Happy
...times uncomfortable while practicing stage-by-stage relaxation or Yogic body-scan relaxation techniques. How can this be?Relaxation techniques are usually much easier to learn than meditation. The most common reason for a Yoga student to be uncomfortable with sitting, or lying down, is an underlying fear of getting to know him or herself.When you make the time...more
Balance Your Energy With Yoga
...l. All yoga postures are expressions of your true self. When the postures are practiced with mindfulness and meaning they naturally shift you out of a habitual negative rut or help you celebrate the joy that you brought to the mat. Yoga brings self awareness to our habitual patterns that either support t...more
Tutorial: Learning Yoga
...ry of time to spend freely on tutorials, it is imperative that yoga be offered through different venues and portal.To cater to the numerous people who are too busy at work and only find a little time after office hours to spare for such relaxing tasks and exercise, there are a number of Web sites now that of...more


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