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What Exactly is a Yoga Swing?
...ling. The swing has adjustable heights beginning at your feet level, then mid-level, and an overhead setting.Now you can suspend the yoga swing. You can use a sturdy extension spring and hang it from an optional pyramid shaped support structure that can be made from either hardwood or aluminum poles. All of the handles and ...more
Yoga Teacher Training: Becoming a Yoga Teacher after 40
...a students.So, what does hold some experienced Yoga students back from becoming a Yoga teacher? If you have been on this earth for a while, you have experienced more failures than someone who is decades younger. Past failures sit deep in our memory and haunt us - even when we know we should act.This is a good time to examine your self-worth and re...more
Introduction to the Science of Kundalini Yoga
...ough those regions, healing, nourishing, rejuvenating and balancing them. The dissipating of blockages can also be thought of as the clearing away of the subconscious mind, the collection of unresolved emotional and physical disturbances, where lies the root of many of our attachments and fears. So overall Kundalini Yoga is a system by which one, through the process of dis...more
Bring Vibrancy to Your Life through Yoga Books
... books which basically tells that how it has emerged as a health practice. Due to the growing awareness of health, yoga is now becoming a part of health culture. It has been proven and accepted that yoga is more effective than lifting weights in gym.But, an individual performing yoga must have full knowledge about the right posture while doing various ‘asanas’, ’pranayama’, an...more
The Principle Behind Christian Yoga
...nd are transformed by following the Christian pathway, the Christian yoga.In the Eastern belief, Christian yoga is not an Eastern postures or breathing techniques, rather the aim is to open to an influence that can transform and heal. Eastern yoga attempts to drop the ego, the Christian path aims at transforming the personality. Christian yoga is described absolu...more


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