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Yoga Clothing Guide - Always Buy the Best Yoga Clothes
...tight fitting clothes that will prevent you from moving freely, in your yoga apparel.You will enjoy your yoga practices with right yoga apparel. Actually yoga is a great combination of different body poses and its main motive is to make your body healthy & fit. You shouldn’t wear jeans and tight fitting shirts because they’ll not allow the body to breathe freely. You should take sufficient time t...more
Chase away the Blahs with Yoga
... ease the stress that often leads to the blahs, blues, or outright depression. Activity keeps your mind far from negative thoughts and allows you to gain insight on dilemmas in your life. People who are depressed or “down” often lack the stimulus to exercise. It doesn’t take near as much effort to do a Yoga routine ...more
Yoga Teacher Guidelines for Assisting, Part 1
...bout giving an assist before a potential legal problem arises? Have you ever had an assist that didn’t really help much? Have you ever had a physical assist that hurt you physically or in any way? Do physical assists in Yoga postures make you feel uncomfortable? Is it really necessary for Yoga teachers to give a physical assist?As...more
Natural Insomnia Treatment That Works
...e. Luckily, there are natural treatments of insomnia you can follow to help you ease your problem a bit.Especially among women, insomnia can be brought about by low levels of estrogen and low magnesium in the diet. If these two are significantly lacking, chances are you will suffer from sleepless nights. What you can do is ha...more
Overcoming Eating Disorders Through Yoga
...ions and help overcome most physical obstacles. Most back bending poses help reduce depression and forward bends usually calm the spirit and reduce the effects of anorexia.As the mental component plays an important role in eating disorders, meditation can reduce harmful thoughts and feelings. An active, specifically targeted meditation practice will prove to be very effective. Less obvious r...more


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