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Tendonitis Help From Gentle Yoga - Stretch And Strengthen Your Tendons
... on your breath as you stretch, and be aware of the movement of your body. Don't do any stretches which bring on pain. After another week, you can begin to do more repetitions of yoga exercises, in order to build up the muscles in the affected area. When you build up the strength of the muscles, they provide more support, and tendonitis is les...more
Yoga Teachers Lead by Example (Part 1)
...’s many facets.Why do, or did, you want to be a Yoga teacher in the first place? The most common reasons for becoming a Yoga teacher are your passion for Yoga and to share the gift that has changed your life. Your health and your personal Yoga practice are an integral part of the Yoga teaching vocation.Maybe you don’t have a staff and ...more
Another Reason to Get to Your Nearest Yoga Class
...fabulous for cultivating a calm mind and a healthy body. Now, studies are revealing that yoga may be a one of the most valuable answers to our society's greatest health disasters.A recent study in Channai, India has shown that a yoga practice is fantastic for treating metabolic syndrome, or syndrome x. It can actually r...more
Secrets of Successful Yoga Studios
... happen if you are a competent, talented, and compassionate Yoga teacher, without enough dedicated students? Here is a simple answer: Don’t quit your “day job” and don’t open a Yoga studio of your own. Sorry to be so blunt, but you need time to grow your following.When, or if, you develop a following ...more
How to Practice Ashtanga Yoga
...this sort of yoga is all about.Sri Krishnamacharya at Mysore Palace was the initial creator of Ashtanga yoga. He was also the person responsible for influencing the different modern forms of yoga that we have today. The Ashtanga Yoga taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois of Mysore, India, is that yoga which is truest t...more


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