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Yoga Mats Kram Yoga Weightloss Cmcdaniel Info Yoga Information


The Benefits of Chanting
...dy’s natural healing processes. To prepare a chanting space, light incense, a candle, or oil lamp. Place flowers before your favorite sacred object or in a vase before you, and then chant along with a CD.For yoga or exercise: Use chants to practice yoga or movement-type meditations such as Tai Chi or Chi Gong. You m...more
5 Reasons to Use Yoga to Battle Modern Day Stresses
... to reduce the level of cortisol (the stress hormone).Many people beginning to practice yoga as stress management may feel unsure if they are doing it right. Trust yourself and trust the process and let it develop. Keep your focus on what is happening in each moment. As stress levels in our society reach new heights, yoga can provide you with the means ...more
And You Thought Yoga Was Just Stretching!
... body-builder to hold the simple yet powerful peacock-pose for 90 seconds straight. Bet you they’d crash half-way in its execution-if they make it that far.Yoga also offers unique breathing exercises which are wonderful for patients with respiratory disorders and even singers and public speakers, moreover with its unique relaxation pose, oft times prac...more
Dalai Lama Healing Chant
...familiar with the tradition of yoga, then you know very well there's a tenet of asteya, or non-stealing.I mean no disrespect to His Holiness (who had nothing to do with the perpetuation of this untruth), but the myth --and the robbery -- has gone on long enough. It's time to give credit where credit is due!The truth in the rumor is this:The mantra on the recor...more
Getting Started With Yoga
...mes, such as the One Legged Pigeon, the Sun Salutation and the Spinal Twist, to name just a few. The purpose of these asanas is to increase flexibility which in turn opens up the flow of energy through the body. They also aim to put pressure on the internal organs in the body, thus improving their efficiency.The art of breathing correctly is called pranayama, and this is another es...more


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