
Yoga Mats Crescent


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Jnana Yoga - Intellectually Becoming God-Conscious
...Vedic scriptures, the scriptures, which Hindus accept.It must, however, be firmly understood that Jnana Yoga is not just an intellectual exercise. We may learn about the omnipresence of God through the Vedic scriptures, but to actually experience the feeling of God, the aspirant has to perform some exercise that will transcend his limited intellect. This is done through meditating on the quest...more
Improve Your Muscle Tone, Obtain Stress Relief And Increase Your Overall Health With Yoga is no rule about when yoga should be practiced, many people like to start their day with it, finding that yoga brings them peace and helps them feel good during the day. Some people prefer practicing yoga in the evening as it helps them relax and unwind after a difficult day. Either choice is perfectly all right, but be warned: yoga will become a very important part of your day ...more
Yoga for Seniors - Using Yoga to Reverse Aging
... increasing your metabolic rate. This stabilizes blood sugar which and helps you maintain a healthier weight. By having stronger muscles, you will be less likely to need frequent assistance in doing your normal routines. The Mental Benefits of Yoga Besides the physical attributes of yoga, there are...more
Chase away the Blahs with Yoga
... video or drive to the gym. A word of warning; if you experience more than just the occasional bout of the blahs and feel down for more than two weeks at a time, you should seek professional help. They may feel that you need treatment or therapy, and proper exercise.Very often people who are depressed frequently lack the concentration to stop and try to disconnect themselves from their...more
Hard Hitting Facts on How to Lose Weight With Yoga
...e are ways to make it easier and one is the use of yoga. To lose weight you must eat right and exercise to burn calories, but that doesn't mean that you can use other ways to get it done. Holding poses for a number of minutes will actually improve muscle strength and posture. Many people think that you must go to the gym and work out ...more


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