
Ultimatse Yoga Mats


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Beautycare Yoga
...e sagging.Yogic practices bring beauty of figure, graceful carriage, melodious voice, glowing face and charming smile. Asanas such as Paschimotannasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Dhanurasana, Veerasana, Trikonasana and ArdhaMatsyendrasana helps to sculpt our body.Below mentioned are some of the benefits achieved through different yogic practices : A smooth and a soft skin - Facial skin becomes soft...more
Great Yoga Information
...l tone muscles, reduce stress, makes you stronger and more flexible and will improve your physical and mental well being. Yoga exercises have been around for years but does it help you to lose weight?Yoga will make you stronger but it will not raise your heart rate enough for it to reduce weight dramatically. There are m...more
Raja Yoga, The Royal Road to Enlightenment
...g the mind and so opening it to cosmic or divine energy. It consists of the repetition of a mantra, which is a sound or a series of sounds, which have spiritual power. This article will be examining the purpose of Raja Yoga and the states of mind involved. It should consequently show the great benefits, both in the material and in the spiritual worlds, of Raja Yoga.Purpose of Raja Y...more
Yoga is Like Sex
...en those who are bedridden can do yoga and we can all benefit greatly from "pranayama," the yoga of the breath.Too busy? Weave it into your day with seated stretches at your computer, in the airplane, or while standing in line at the bank. Yoga can be subtle, internal and powerful. As you might suspect, I never t...more
Workouts to Lose Weight - Drop 10 Pounds in 20 Days
...uate and accelerate your new diet. Burning calories by simply getting your body moving is tremendously effective, cleansing and mighty therapeutic in other ways as well. If you are up to it, and are unable to make it to the gym, I recommend any number of the home DVD workouts. Ever try the Billy Blanks series of Tae Bo workouts? They are tremendous! If you are able to incorp...more


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