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Meditation through Yoga
...ding blocks of your existence.Classic yoga meditation involves sitting cross-legged on the floor with your spine straight. Rest your hands, palm face up, on your legs. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Try to breathe from the center of your body up and out through your nose. Make sure to relax your muscles, especially your jaw. In times of stress w...more
Ashtanga Yoga
...ce. This type of Yoga entails daily Vinyasa flow practice, using Ujjayi breathing, Mula Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, and Drishti.Ashtanga Yoga is known to help realign the spine, as well as detoxify the body, and also builds strength, flexibility and stamina. In addition, it can strengthen the nervous system.With Ashtanga Yoga there are three different levels. The main series is the f...more
Balance Your Energy With Yoga
..., allowing energy to flow freely, creating an overall sense of vitality and well-being. Yoga poses don't create energy, they release energy and they also keep us from expending energy in activities that don't do anything for us. Often we have so much tension stored in our bodies that we are forced to use our energy for support. If we can release that tension, we wil...more
Yogic Philosophy
...uctible, smaller than the smallest and bigger than the biggest. On the contrary, the world is unconscious, having no knowledge, mortal, changeable and destructible. In fact this world does not exist. The world is an imagination of conscious souls only. The conscious souls is the locus on which the world is projected. As in the dream we ...more
Yoga for Depression: Motivation and Trust
... lack of trust in others, and from deep within our inner being. We must believe in ourselves before we have faith in others. This lack of trust can cause a form of scaring to our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.Can Yoga turn any of us into “eternal optimists?” The answer is, “maybe.” Most eternal optimists are born that way; but optimism can be c...more
