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Chair Yoga Case Study - A Path to Inner Peace teaching chair yoga for several years Liz Franklin can testify that it appropriate for almost anyone, even if they are feeling the effects of aging or have physical limitations. It is not for hard-bodied 20-somethings that can twist themselves into poses that look impossible – the only prerequisite is that you can sit in a chair, including a wheelchair.What better way to illustrate...more
The Religious Impasse of Hatha Yoga and "The New Age Movement"
...eactions among religious fundamentalists.The words, “New Age Movement,” are a very broad term and can refer to any healing method or spiritual belief. It is hard to group Yoga with Wicca, Taoism, Reiki, Druidism, witchcraft, and Harry Potter fans, but somehow we have all been “lumped” together as the New Age Movement.Althoug...more
Hatha Yoga
...ive and passive energies, the opposites. The Hatha Yoga aims to unite harmoniously the body, mind and spirit, and create a healthy, supple and strong body and a relaxed, stress free mind.In the late 19th century, T. Krishnamacharya, a yoga teacher in Mysore Palace in south India, was the source of most modern Hatha Yoga. His disciples B.K.S. Iyengar, K.Pattabhi Jois and Indira ...more
Yoga And Weight Loss
... by specialists concerned with calorie burning, is the sense of emotional and spiritual significance. Yoga focuses on more than just moving around on a mat and breathing; people learn to find a peaceful place within their being.Through yoga practice, one affirms his or her spiritual significance. By enabling this sanctuary, yoga prac...more
Yoga Clothes for Comfort, Functionality - and Let's Not Leave Out Fun!
...vely form fitting. These types of pants have the benefit of allowing your instructor to see your alignment so she can make any necessary adjustments to your form.If you aren’t comfortable in pants that are so revealing, you might enjoy wearing loose, cotton trousers. They offer freedom of movement without being...more
