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Pregnancy and Yoga
...l stress and pain you may hold your breath. Yoga teaches you different breathing techniques in order to relax your body. These techniques can be the difference between intense labor pain and mild controllable pain. Although it will be a challenge to keep reminding yourself of these techniques when labor pains become more frequent and more intense it wi...more
Yoga Primer 101 well-being.Yoga is a whole body exercise and can be practiced as such. There are 8 branches of Yoga:1. Yamas: This is basically your attitude to life and those around you. There are 5 Yamas: ------ Ahimsa or non-violence: ------ Satya being truthful ------ Asteya or non-stealing ------ Bramachar...more
What is Self Mastery? - Part 2
...nce and causes rapid weight loss. Most clients gain all that weight back, and then some, after they get off the quick fix diet. Hence the nickname, “yo-yo diets”, is a suitable label.Yoga does have diet plans, and eating in moderation is a key factor. Eating affects mental, physical, and spiritual health. Sometimes the motivation for excessive eating is not due to h...more
How to Become a Yoga Instructor
...a key part of your health and fitness routine? Are you interested in becoming a yoga instructor? Teaching is a wonderful opportunity to enrich your life, and make a difference in the lives of others. If yoga is one of your talents, consider sharing your gift, and teaching yoga professionally.Choosing to be a yoga ...more
Yoga Helps Back Pain do much stretching except after working out from the gym. When I injured my lower back from trying to do squats with weights on my shoulder, I knew something went wrong and I started getting throbbing pain at the back of my head. When my sitting posture is not straight, there is always throbbing pain in the back of my head. It is very uncomfortable ...more
