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Yoga for Men
...ical and mental differences between men and women for a protracted time. In general, men are known to be less emotional than women and they frequently suppress their emotions. This can lead to stress and, eventually, to an increased hazard of heart problems.A man's greater level of physical strength is accepted by most committed yoga practices. Th...more
You Can Learn Yoga From A Yoga Retreat Destination
... a vacation -- it's a whole new way of life and in some ways, a rebirth.Yoga retreat vacations are great for beginners and advanced practitioners alike. An instructor since 1997, Jillian Pransky says, "Many of my students are city dwellers. Their yoga is fit in between running in and out of busy streets and wedged into their busy workloads.They get little respite and often don...more
Yoga and Diabetes
...but there are several ways yoga can be beneficial in controlling diabetes. If medically prescribed regimens are followed by diabetic students, they can safely add yoga to their treatment. Due to the potential impact on their glucose levels, and overall body function, great strides can be made through regular committed yoga practice...more
Yoga And Your Health
...nt spinal injuries through proper posture and exercise.Circulatory System: Yoga helps you deal with existing circulatory ailments and disorders including coronary artery disease and hypertension. Certain Yoga postures help strengthen the heart muscles and improve circulation.Endocrine System: Yoga helps improve the functioning of the endocrine system that regulates metabolism and growth....more
Ripped Abs and No More Back Pain Series - Part I
...promote better flexibility, but how much is needed? Be careful as some yoga asanas engage extreme positions and could lead to promoting flexibility in areas that require stability, namely the lower lumbar. Improve the tension / length relationships of the musculature and surrounding soft tissue and execute a balance of movements, i.e. a push for a ...more
