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Just Being - Redefining Strength During Pregnancy
... heart And in my soul. It is being flexible, open, and free.Strength is just being.After that Holy Yoga class, I realized that strength is much more than just physical. Strength is all encompassing—mind, body, heart, and soul. Strength does not have anything to do with how toned my body is, how many push ups I can do, or how long I can hold a yoga pose. Strength is so...more
Yoga in Practice: A Peaceful Planet
... diplomatic solutions to problems before retreating into self-defense mode.If you push hard enough, even a mouse will bite back. Therefore, do not push your religious or political ideas on others. World peace is not just a catch phrase. It can be attained through knowledge, mutual understanding, respect, courtesy, diplomacy, and tolerance.Every act of intolerance, no matter how s...more
The Four Paths of Yoga
... meditating.This seal, which was coined Shiva Pashupati, was discovered by a British archaeologist, Sir John Hubert Marshall. With this discovery, archaeological evidence started shedding light to support the belief that the practice of yoga began 5,000 years ago.Another expert, David Frawley, who is a Vedic sc...more
Five Reasons for Yoga Instructors to Teach Chair Yoga
... to consider alternate approaches to staying healthy than previous generations, so they will be much more likely to be receptive to the notion of practicing yoga. In fact, many will have some sort of prior experience with yoga, as we have seen.The oldest of the boomers are just now turning 60, so it is a gr...more
Isn't it Time to Try Kundalini Yoga?
...ini yoga is said to do many things for the body. And yet, although it can help you physically, its primary benefits are spiritual. All the intangible energies that help to shape our lives are affected by Kundalini yoga, such as divine prosperity, and freedom from judgment. Once freed, this new energy helps to promote crea...more


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