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The Purpose Of Yoga - Anger Management Secrets Of Listening
... will have “air time” to calmly express your views and you will “stick to the issues at hand.” For optimum success, old issues should be addressed at a separate time.Differences can be peacefully resolved if we rationally discuss them by listening, focusing, negotiating, and by avoiding being side tracked by issues of the past. For all of this to happen, silence on your part, is required at ...more
Benefiting From Your Yoga Practice
...g, and strength moves. Eating a big dinner before that kind of movement could result in you cramping up or feeling nauseous and having to leave the class or not participate as fully as you’d like.* Communicate with your yoga instructor. If you have a bad back or a sprained ankle, let your instructor kno...more
Bikram Yoga Positions
... sip small amounts of water though, as gulping it down may cause nausea or other discomforts.If you attend a class to get some first hand experience with this series of poses, and notice that you start to feel ill - sit down cross legged on your towel (remember to bring one, you will need it anyhow). If that doesn't help you may lie down for a bit until...more
Shoulder Pain 1 and neck muscles. Yoga is not a fad; it is a science that is recognized all over the world, re-establishing its credibility as an ancient discipline dating back ten thousand years ago and will help you with shoulder and back pain.Yoga disciplines both the physical body and the mind, unites the two and encourages strength, flexibility...more
An Overview of Yoga
...on. The jnana yoga approach is considered the most difficult and at the same time the most direct. It involves serious study and will appeal to those who are more intellectually inclined. Probably the most misunderstood or misinterpreted of all the yogas, tantra, the sixth branch, is the pathway of ritual, which includes consecrated sexuality. The key word here is "con...more


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