
Kundalini Yoga Mats


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The Cure to Loneliness: Finding a Guru
...nk a practitioner has to go to India to find one. This is simply not true. Yoga, as we know it, is largely a western phenomenon, and it is western yogis who have created it and helped it to evolve into the practice we know today. It is they who have crafted the practical application of yoga for modern da...more
Yoga for Weight Loss
...uscles that in turn help create a healthy body. Yoga enhances flexibility and helps you correct the problems caused by weight gain. However, yoga is not a quick fix to weight gain, but it can be an excellent long term alternative approach to weight loss and fitness.What about yoga for those who struggle with self confidence when it comes to weight loss?Yoga can be an excellent ...more
Relaxing Into Your Workout: Yoga for Weight Loss
...cholesterol and practice Yoga daily, you will begin to see the improvements.Moving beyond these direct affects for the body and weight loss in Yoga, are the other parts of the practice that can help to change the functioning of your body. Often times, weight gain is related to stressful factors in daily functioning and emotional...more
Benefits of Yoga Therapy
...other organ and system in the body. These practices are seen as being a both preventive and curative because it helps to restore balance in the mind body and spirit.Yoga is being studied more and more by scientists and physicians due to the fact that is has been shown to relieve symptoms of multiple common and life threatening ailments. For example one of the best treatments for arthritis pai...more
Yoga And Pregnancy
...perienced profound shifts in peace-of-mind when my practice was neglected and when I re-found it.Giving birth changes a woman. We’re all different to start with and so are our changes. When we become mothers our connection with Spirit becomes stronger. Yoga helps me to embrace this responsibility, and trust that a greater force...more
