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Secrets of Exceptional Yoga Teachers, Part 1
...g,” passion, and true desires. Life is too short to waste time doing a job that you dread. Strangely, I have never met a Yoga teacher who regretted teaching Yoga. If I ever find one, I will let you know.Courage is required to be your own boss. To wake up each morning and go it alone, without someone over your shoulder is a Yoga teacher’s l...more
More about the Religious Impasse of Hatha Yoga and "The New Age Movement"
...oots with Hinduism, so this is the opportunity to label, polarize, and stir up misunderstandings.Let’s look at Hinduism a little closer. Yes, Hinduism does have multiple Gods and Goddesses, but historically, Hinduism has not forced itself on anyone. However, Hindus have been violently persecuted over their religion. It is e...more
Yoga Tour India
...nner contentment and self-actualization. Contrary to the popular belief, yoga can be practiced by everyone and has an amazing effect on the body and mind energies allowing one to deal with life's ups and downs with a sense of equanimity.The yoga tours in India include a tour to North India, tour to South India, Kailas-Mansarover Tour. Mos...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Blissful Aging Right Now
...sion, but we all know that movement is a healthy choice. If you are limited due to: Range of motion, physical condition, or something else - Chair Yoga, Restorative Yoga, or Yoga Therapy, will help you with mobility.You may also realize that your pains and aches decrease with regular Yoga practice. While Yoga may not be a ...more
Valentine's Day Every Day - The Spirit Of Bhakti Yoga
... viewing love as romancing a significant other. Expand your concept of Love. Reach out with loving intention to spread joy with everyone with whom you come into contact. Act in such a way that every cell of yours is vibrating with the energy of love. It could be through a smile, a compliment, a holding of hands, a meeting of minds...more


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