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Why is Teaching Yoga so Rewarding? Part 1
...ise a cure for any ailment, but Yoga can offer less pain, pain management, and sometimes, pain goes away altogether. Your students will definitely tell you what Yoga does for them.The gratification of helping others, on a daily basis, is spontaneous. This cultivates positive energy from within the core of your inner being. You give the gift of Yoga, but you share positive e...more
Points To Be Followed Before Learning Yoga
...n the abdomen. Children below eight years should not practice any yogic technique but yogic breathing should be introduced only after twelve years. Very young and old should avoid the poses with the intense twists. After a certain age avoid strenuous practice but you can practice pranayam, dhyana and simple postures.• Place and surroundings: the place for yog...more
Yoga is "Unity"
...apsules and their extraordinary range of motion is a gift. You and I may have to work at it, but the many rewards of Yoga practice are still there.Yoga consists of many facets, and Asanas, are just one of the many parts of Yoga. Many students who have extraordinary flexibility admit they struggle with another part of ...more
Techniques For Solving Everyday Stress Using Yoga
...r head up and down then side-to-side several times, Stretch your arms while standing up. Lifting the shoulders in shrug and releasing them suddenly can release tension in the shoulders.2) Steps to relax. A crucial part of stress management is learning to relax. After completing any yoga asahanas (postures) or any form of exercise try lying down in a relaxing pose for some time. ...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Blissful Aging Right Now
...Sattvic diet,” which has been copied for thousands of years. Sattva literally means: “Peace, balance, or light.” It can also be stated that the Sattvic diet brings about feelings of peace and tranquility.The Sattvic diet has become known as a pure diet, because it is based upon whole and pure foods. The foundation of the Sattvic diet is fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, ...more


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