
Harmony Yoga Mats


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Have a Health Problem? Yoga Can Solve It - Part 3
...Pose, Wheel Pose, Abdominal Isolation and the Head to Knee pose.30. Premature ejaculations: Shoulder stand, Plough pose, Head to Knee Poses, Bow Pose and Peacock Pose. Abdominal Lifts.31. Pubic Disorders: Sun Salutations, Inverted poses, Head to Knee Poses (sitting and standing)32. Rheumatism: Sun Salutations (mild...more
Learning Focus and Concentration Through Yoga
...7 CPS: Elusive meditative floating state before deep sleep.4. Delta 0-4 CPS: Unconscious deep sleep.Performing yoga enables you to decrease your brain’s activity from Beta to Alpha, to focus on the poses and your breathing. The Alpha state by it’s very nature is quiet, calm and concentrative. Your body reacts to the poses more efficiently; stretching properly and slowly revealing yo...more
10 Best Reasons Older Adults Need to Practice Yoga and the Soft Martial Arts
... current level with patience and compassion, gently becoming more pliable.4. Better Posture… Good posture calls upon our new strength and flexibility to keep our spine healthy and strong. Healthy body posture supports digestive and respiratory functions as well. Poor posture in combination with osteopo...more
Yoga - The Perfect New Year's Resolution
...h can bring peace of mind and self-realization. Do you see why we are looking at an incredible stress management program with yoga?Think about the stress reduction goal we just outlined. It is also an exercise goal. The improved conditioning from the exercise can also support a weight loss goal. Stress management, exercise, weight loss, lower blood pressure, and greater peace of mind all r...more
Bikram Yoga
...ght months later... I LOVE it even more!!! Not only do I feel energized after Bikram, my body has transformed. I was in pretty good shape before, but Bikram has added NEW definition and a few, new sexy muscles too! AND lots of new flexibility. I also found that my running was positively impacted, as doing Bikram expands lung capacity. After a month off of r...more
