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Yoga: Poses And Postures
...ating the body as left and right equals yin and yang.There are specific Yoga poses for the floor parts of Yoga exercise, as well as the more familiar standing Yoga poses.One of the most basic kinds of standing Yoga poses one will learn in Yoga is what is called the tree balance. In this balance you will:1) Prepare as always by ...more
Killer Exercises You Can do Right From The Comforts of Your Home - Achieve Stunning Results
...mal. You see there are some extremely effective exercises you can do right from the comforts of your home and achieve earth shattering results within no time. Read on to discover what these exercises are and how you can use them to attain maximum results...Staircase workout- This is probably the easiest and the best workout you can do right from the comforts of your home. In face if you h...more
Benefits of Yoga Therapy
...oga on a regular basis can help alleviate the symptoms of diabetes, high blood pressure, and digestive disorders, arthritis, chronic fatigue, asthma and heart conditions to name a few. This has been scientifically proven with laboratory tests showing that yogis (people that practice yoga) have an increased ability to consciously control their body's involuntary functions such a...more
Spiritual Benefits of Yoga attain absolute peace. According to the principles, the focus of yoga is to attribute the complete freedom from the birth, death and concomitant evils of life. However, if you are not so religious enough though, the basic spiritual benefits such as improved concentration, regulated breath and clarity of mind will be certainly beneficial for the restoration of...more
Some Different Types of Yoga Poses
...triangular pose or the trikonasana. In order to execute this pose you should be standing and position your legs somewhat farther apart than your shoulders while keeping your feet straight. Your arms should also be raised up to shoulder level. Next you should lower your right arm and stretch it as far do...more


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