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Yoga Visualization for Empowerment - Introduction
... much practice to reach Samadhi (The eighth limb of Yoga - Complete Meditative absorption); there are many levels of Samadhi.However, Samadhi, and the eight limbs of Yoga, described by Patanjali, are largely ignored by many Hatha Yoga practitioners around the world. Many Hatha Yoga practitioners have developed a “ranking system” for Yoga. Ask most students w...more
Yoga and Meditation
...ol is difficult, it can be made silent and steady by regular practice of vairagya and abhyasa. However, he has warned that yoga is very difficult for people whose minds are not steady and controlled. Pantanjali, in Yoga Sutra has emphasized these two qualities to achieve mind control. Hence these are the very qualities that make the essence of yoga.Mind is lik...more
Like Yoga Diagrams, Pictures Say a Thousand Words
...hey cover and offer a lot in regards to yoga diagrams and information on how to learn yoga postures all from beginning stages to the advanced levels.Put it to you like this, would you go on a journey without a roadmap, (or guys, at least looking at one in secret…considering our egos and all?), Well, the same may apply in learnin...more
Tantra Yoga, Tantric Sex, or Viagra
...n some natural solutions from a qualified Tantra Yoga teacher. Tantra Yoga does not have a long list of side-effects, so there is much less, if any, risk. This might be expecting too much because this is pro-active behavior for better health.Some men are taking these drugs and they do not even need to; it has become a strange “fashion statem...more
Yoga Exercise For Health
... use yoga for health, it will bring harmony and healing into your life.For years, there has been a lot of skepticism that yoga was good for your health, but now the mainstream medical community has conducted scientific study of the health benefits of yoga and has proven that yoga exercise does improve your health. It has been sho...more


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