
Bali Yoga Mats


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What Is Yoga? is widely known as a form of exercise that stretches and strengthens the body through various poses known as ASANAS. For other people yoga is the realization of inner self satisfaction. For others it is a religion that the believers ought to follow.All of this statement makes it hard to really make a full realization of ...more
Yoga Postures For Kids
...forward bend or extension movement of yoga postures for kids that stretches the legs and spine, and provides rest to the heart and neck. The Uttanasana II also relaxes the mind of the child, as well as the body. Sports enthusiasts might refer to this movement as the standard, touch your toes routine.The Trikonasana, or Triangle ...more
Yoga Past and Present
...t to define and standardize Classical Yoga. Patanjali's Eightfold path of Yoga also called Eight Limbs of Classical Yoga. These are:1. Yama, which means social restraints or ethical values;2. Niyama, which is personal observance of purity, tolerance, and study;3. Asanas or physical exercises;4. Pranayama, which means breath control or regulation;5. Pratyahara or sense wi...more
A Yoga Book Club
...y to keep your brain active. So why not incorporate a way to keep your body active at the same time? In our busy world today, yoga is just the thing we need to slow down, relax, and take time to smell the roses.In order to have a successful yoga book club, you must find 3-4 other members who are willing to get physical with you! By this I mean part of the goal of your group will be to discus...more
Hatha Yoga for Beginners: Tools for Happiness
...a class and have discovered inner peace again.How do you keep that feeling of tranquility? Would you like to order “Yoga to go” or package some “piece of mind?” If only it were that easy, but here are some tools that will help you re-discover that “Yogic high,” until your next Yoga class.Listening to music...more
