
100 Recycled Material Yoga Mats


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Teaching Hatha Yoga: The Summer Slow Down
...on can Yoga teachers take to deal with this vacation season?How about special classes? Did you ever think about teaching Yoga classes in a pool? What about testing Yoga classes that you had not considered during a busy season? What about an “Introduction to Hot Yoga” or a Vinyasa style Yoga class that is a little warmer than usual...more
Vinyasa Yoga
...ith gravity oriented chi, or energy.The purpose of Vinyasa Yoga is to completely cleanse the practicing individual internally, both on a spiritual as well as a physical level. Tradition has it that this age old practice actually helps the individual outwardly also, as in preparing for life's' challenges and events.The breathing process itself is designed to manipulate the pala...more
Yoga Effectiveness on Demand - Mayoralty Debates
...o assist us in getting to yoga. When we are in balance we perform better in our work and play. Our interaction with everyone becomes effective. Our communication becomes clear and precise. We come out looking like a winner.Let’s look at the example of the Ottawa Mayoralty Debates. It is true that data is impor...more
Basic Yoga Relaxation Techniques are numerous posture positions to choose from, but the most common and most widely-known is the Lotus Position. To perform this, you must be first seated on the floor. Place your right right on your left thigh, and your left foot on your right thigh. This may sound easier than it really is. In order to accomplish this, bend your ...more
Five Relaxation Techniques for Fibromyalgia
...ation Techniques for Fibromyalgia One of the biggest problems fibromyalgia sufferers face is the escalation of their fatigue and painful symptoms, which is caused by the emotional and physical stress of their condition. Thus, since stress can worsen symptoms, to help control the way you feel, try engaging in relaxation therapy techniques.Relaxation therapy help...more


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