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Hatha Yoga - The Yoga Of Movement
...their hearts.The two most important aspects of Hatha Yoga are the postures, or asanas and breath control, or pranayama. The postures help to keep the body flexible, but, most importantly, they help to purify the body and make spiritual progress faster and more successful. The most important element in fostering spiritual progress is the opening of the chak...more
Benefits of Chair Yoga - Part 2
...hiropractic and Orthopedic medicine. Educate yourself about your body, your spine, and your choices. You can usually find these workshops and many more valuable meetings at your local senior center. These workshops are usually free, you are under no obligation, and it makes for a good “Fact finding mission.”The alignment and posture principles, you learn in a Chair Yoga class, can be as si...more
How Yoga Can Help You?
...tatic movements to gain benefits while most other forms of exercise call for rapid and forceful movements which can lead to health issues if done improperly. Yoga leads to a normalization of muscle tone while exercise increases the muscle tension.The positions of yoga provide a way of exercise that has a low risk of injuring your muscles and li...more
Exercise - Is It the Best for Weight Loss?
...ight, you have to burn off more calories than you consume. Exercise is the primary means by which you can increase the number of calories you expend. Therefore, it simply makes sense to exercise when you want to lose weight.Exercising offers many benefits to people who want to lose weight beyond just simply causing more ...more
A World of Infinite Opportunities
... all of the great Yoga jobs are in health clubs, ashrams, and Yoga studios. Not so, in my book “How to Grow Your Own Successful Yoga Business,” I mention 16 ways to start up with little or no overhead.Within the first chapter, there are Yoga teaching opportunities that currently exist with little, or no, competition. Yoga teachers who have taken t...more


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