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Yoga, Dogma, And Faith
...ested some oki yoga exercises to my cousin when I was 20. My cousin, however, declined. That branch of my family held a particularly strict interpretation of Christianity. When her brother's girlfriend fell pregnant whilst they were both at university, her brother secretly dropped out of university to get a job to support them both, and they hid it from both of their parents. I believe they also...more
Become a Certified Yoga Teacher - Do You Have a Passion for Your Job?
...s life.Let's consider what factors motivate people to go to work. We might be able to boil these prime motivations down into three groups. The desire for money, status, and passion, are the three basic reasons why people go work. Usually, most people receive one, or two, of the three prime motivators by going to work.Many people go to work for a pay check, to bring mon...more
How Strong Is The Connection Between Yoga And Meditation? is the case because they fully understand and appreciate the core principles in yoga and meditation, and how practising these techniques bring about a large reduction of both stress and anxiety in the body. Furthermore, these elements of harmony and balance result in a more stable and tolerant society.By really helping people to calm down ...more
Philosophy and Universal Principles of Yoga
...emphasizes Sage Pantanjali's 8 step path to Self-Realization.In this article I will expand on Raja Yoga as that is perhaps the most prevalent and popular Yoga system in use today.As indicated above Raja Yoga employs Sage Pantanjali's 8 step path to achieve Union with the Supreme. This 8 step system (ashtanga) compromises of the following parts. Y...more
The Mind – Body - Spirit Connection to Good Health Through Yoga
...pects of Yoga are more individual and viewed from a more personal point of view. It makes no difference as to your religious preferences since it simply enhances your spiritual experience through a meditative state. May refer to prayer as a spiritual experience and meditation has the same qualities.Yoga involves deep breathing, slow movements and getting in touch with your body through exerci...more


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