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The Different Types of Yoga
... are two other styles of yoga designed for the more aerobic and fitness conscious person. These are iyengar yoga and ashtanga yoga. These are the types of yoga that will give you a strong cardio workout and are fast flowing and precise for those looking more for extreme fitness.One of the types of yoga that might sound familiar to you is ku...more
The Secret of Karma Yoga
...ded by S Venkataramaiah on a Christmas day, 25th December, 1935.Mr Rangachari, a Telugu Pundit in Voorhee’s College at Vellore, India, asked about nishkama karma or unselfish action. There was no reply from the sage. After a time Ramana maharishi (Sage Ramana) went up the hill and a few followed him, including the pundit. There was a thorny stick lying on the way which Ramana...more
Yoga for Relaxation
...cient philosophy of yoga saw its postures as part of a greater whole. Thousands of years ago during the time of Astanga yoga, posture practice was one piece of a more important whole. Astanga yoga, which originated during Vedic India, was derived of eight branches; yama (control and discipline), niyama (r...more
Do You Need A Yoga Exercise Mat
...ry.The type of yoga mat you purchase depends on several factors, including what type of yoga you practice. If you are using the more active and fast pace exercises, you may want thicker mat. You may also find the thicker yoga exercise mat useful if you are suffering from joint problems.There are lots of different types of yoga exerc...more
The Many Arms Of Power Yoga
...e deformity in the movements. It will take a strengthened focus ability to be able to move the arms and legs in the aggressive way that is necessary for the yoga .It is also best for you to learn that the techniques of this yoga will change depending on the transition. Some of the poses that you will do go on for a lengthier period than you may think. The required amount of breathing in the five...more
