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Yoga Insights: Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations), Part 1 heart.It is generally agreed that your heart is the most important muscle in your entire body, so this is, most likely, the most important physical benefit of all. This oxygenation of the blood also occurs when asanas are held for a longer period of time; much like you would see in an Iyengar or Restorative Yoga class.Regular practice of Sun Salutations will improve and help regulate f...more
Herbal Medicines For Type II Diabetes
... bath oil containing camphor, eucalyptus, geranium, juniper, lemon, and rosemary can help balance secretions from the pancreas.Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:Homeopathy Homeopaths will prescribe to suit the individual case. Although remedies can be prescribed to boost overall health and trea...more
Use Yoga Exercises To Effectively Treat Addictive Behaviour!
...tain addictions.People who are consciously aware that they have an addiction oftentimes try to repress it, however this is not the solution as if anything it will actually worsen the problem. This is not the way to get to the root cause of the problem that is trapping them. If that problem isn't addressed then it will be impossible to release that p...more
Yoga: A Legacy That Enriches Your Well Being
...ion of physical exercise and harmonized breathing improves the blood circulation, provides a positive relief to the body and increases one’s vitality, potency and flexibility. Yoga has several forms; few of them are fast aerobic workouts while few include effective & powerful precise styles for the fitness conscious people. Few for...more
Yoga - Various Types And Various Reasons
...y requires initiation from a long-term practiser or Guru. Both types of Kriya are very ancient and deeply related. Throughout the world today there are several million people practicing the art of Kriya Yoga.People become inspired to practice yoga by traveling many paths. For some they may meet a devoted Yogi, for others...more


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