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Yoga for Depression: Motivation and Trust
...dia, practice Hatha Yoga sub-styles. This is fine - but are you learning anything beyond the physical aspects of Yoga? Yoga is a vast topic, with solutions to many of today’s health problems.However, can the world learn to trust a 5,000 year old health maintenance system, with a proven track record of success? On a globa...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Teaching Multiple Levels in the Same Class
...l plane of existence, and address each student as if he, or she, were in an exercise class, you can still make it interesting for all levels. The less flexible students will need help with modifications, or possibly, need to use props.This does not mean that props are for the less flexible students, only, because physically-gifted students can benefit f...more
What Should You Look for in a Yoga Teacher Training Correspondence Course?
...hat Should You Look for in a Yoga Teacher Training Correspondence Course? Correspondence courses, of any kind, should be well rounded. In the case of a Yoga instructor certification course, it is absolutely necessary for the curriculum to cover many aspects. There are many areas to be covered, such as anatomy, Pranayama, Asana (posture...more
How Does Yoga Reduce Your Stress?
.... Relaxation and rest will cure many diseases.Certain yoga poses will help to stimulate glands in the brain, and will put the body into the Alpha state. The Alpha state will help increase the creative thought process, as well as help the body heal itself. The Alpha state is often attained during savasana, the fi...more
Workouts to Lose Weight - Drop 10 Pounds in 20 Days
...donnas only interested in the show. Today, exercise is fun, fantastically easy and entertaining, and dare I say, incredibly sexy and effective as well!Cardiovascular exercise is the quickest way that I know to accentuate and accelerate your new diet. Burning calories by simply getting your body moving is tremendously effective, cleansing and mighty therapeutic in other ways as ...more
