
Yoga Mat Kit


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Exercising Using Power Yoga
...Yoga Power yoga is a general term used in the West to describe a vigorous, fitness-based approach to vinyasa-style yoga. Most forms of power yoga are modeled on the Ashtanga style of the practice.The term "power yoga" became common during the mid 1990s, when several yoga teachers were searching for a way to make Ashtanga yoga ...more
A Look at Yoga and Its Different Branches
...niums and has evolved gradually into various forms. It is considered one of the best forms of physical and mental exercise. People practice different kinds of yoga according to their needs. The main aim of yoga is to bring about a balance between the mind and body of an individual. Meditation is a part of all forms of yoga.The basic fo...more
Amazing 4-Step Fat Loss Workout That Melts Weight Away!
...y yoga and meditation class - recently introduced by a neighbor, my wife is now a yoga and meditation maniac.SO - WHAT WERE OUR RESULTS?Drumroll please, after just 2-months of following the regime listed above, I had lost 15lbs and my wife had lost close to the same (though she had a much lower body fat percentage to begin with).Not only did this fat loss workout plan burn more fat, it f...more
Stress Relief of the Holidays
... able to deal with stressful situations, relax more deeply and sleep more soundly.Even with the huge technological and medical advances that have been made in recent history, modern life is more stressful than ever before. Juggling busy work schedules, children, and home life, little time is left for much else. Yet, in order to manage our he...more
Yoga Certification - On-Site vs Off-Site Training
... the two styles may help you to make an informed choice. It may also make it possible for you to realize a dream that may have once seemed impossible.When comparing on-site to off-site yoga training, consider the following:* What are my study goals? In other words, what do you hope to gain from your study program? If you want ...more


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