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Why I Do Yoga
...e very end we were gently prompted to arise to a sitting position where we slowly 'reanimated'. Then on that spring evening, I walked out of the gym towards home, feeling quite relaxed...I had `an experience'! In the five minute walk back home, the relaxed feeling kept deepening and at the same time I became very energized. I stopped under...more
Teaching Chair Yoga - The Real Need for More Trained Instructors
... out of shape, or just plain too big. Yoga in a chair, proper diet, and a regular walking program, has the potential to prevent health problems for obese children.Negligent health habits have gone past the point of humor. When you watch re-runs of television shows from the 60's, look at the characters that we thought were big. Do you remember Skipper, Hoss, and Schultz? They are ju...more
Tips For Fast Weight Loss - The 3 Most Powerful Ways To Lose Weight
... One major reason most people don't like running is because they're doing it too fast. Slow down, don't get out of breath and you'll realize how fantastic it really is. Running in a fat-burning zone should be just as easy as walking. You should not be out of breath and you should also be able to carry on...more
How Effective are Online Classes to Teach Yoga?
...ll of the following areas to be worthwhile.These include: * Asanas* Yoga philosophy & methodology* Chakras* Bandhas* Mudras* Pranayama* Meditation and Relaxation* Working with special populationsRight now I’m looking at two main choices to formally certify my teaching skills and make me some money out of something that I actually enjoy, I me...more
Yoga and the Gift of Empowerment
...ecomes empowered to help and teach others.This form of empowerment, from teacher to student, is still practiced in some parts of the world, but it is a real rarity in the west. So, how do you become empowered through your Yoga practice? It would be a big help to overcome your daily obstacles. You would never feel alone because you can draw on a powerful so...more


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