
Travel Yoga Mat Blanket


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Yoga for Mothers
... club.But I was wrong. As soon as I gave the 10-day free classes trial, I was hooked. No makeup, no dressup (oh, the younger gym-goers still dress up to the nines and apply mascara for gym) and no pretense. I go to the gym and attend the Yoga class to sweat – to end up looking ugly but feeling damn good!Mot...more
Yoga Can Benefit Skiing and Snowboarding
...sager, knee brace, crutches, or even a wheel chair. They may also be having a new "intimate relationship" with their doctor, chiropractor, physical therapist, massage therapist, or all of the above.This sorry state of affairs is often the result of the person still attempting to ski in that "attack the mountain and moguls" style that was learned when the body was younger, better cond...more
Practise Yoga And Promote An Overall Healthier Lifestyle!
...ially focused where it is needed. Each area brings the body and the mind into greater harmony with one another; this being the ultimate aim of Yoga. By eliminating the current imbalances, there is no longer the constant conflict found within the different areas of our lives which tend to be constantly fighting against one another.There comes a desire to live a healthie...more
Yoga in Practice: Train Your Mind for Empowerment, Part 3
...among them is non-attachment to the outcome of your plans.This does not mean you should give up, but the best laid plans are subject to change, at any moment. We cannot control nature, or the universe, so we have to “roll with the punches.” Whether the outcome is good or bad, we have to adapt to this life the best we can, and we should be creative al...more
Benefits of Yoga
...y and a remarkable zest for life.Benefit 6: Yoga is also an excellent way to tone your muscles. Muscles which have been flaccid and weak are stimulated repeatedly and thus shed excess fats and flaccidity.But these enormous physical benefits are just a “side effect” of this powerful practice. What yoga does is harmonize the mind with the body and it is this that results i...more
