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Yoga Teacher Training Aspects - Reminders to Yoga Students
... present for practice," and "living in the moment," seem like worn out slogans, at times, but students need to be reminded; without the mind and body connection, there is no presence in their practice. Therefore, teachers need to remember that Pranayama techniques are a very important ingredient in creating a connection between mind and body, which results in presence.Non-judgment of oneself, ...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - The Ultimate Yoga Teacher
...rough postures, learn Yogic philosophy, hold Yoga postures (Asanas), work on their breathing (Pranayama), sweat in a 105 degree Fahrenheit room, or study Yoga with a Mommy and Me class? There are so many types of Yoga to choose from.This is only the tip of the “ice berg,” as new contemporary styles of Yoga are springing up all the time. So how can you g...more
The Cure to Loneliness: Finding a Guru
...oga, than Indians. There is a saying now that there is more yoga on the lower east side of Manhattan than there is in all of India. Westerners have taken yoga to the next level—a level of fitness, industry, and fashion—yet many yogis still try to remain close to the roots of yoga.One of the ways that yogis strive to remain closely tied to the true pur...more
Yoga in Practice: Train Your Mind for Empowerment, Part 3
...l change.Earlier, I mentioned that you should “eat, sleep, and drink” positive energy. However, with the practice of meditation, and/ or Yoga, you can always develop a state of tranquility (Santosha). There are many reasons for this, but one of the first among them is non-attachment to the outcome of your plans.This does not mean you sho...more
Ashtanga Yoga - What's It All About
...nally, the eighth limb is Samadhi, which is the attainment of bliss and peace in addition to the ability to find our life mission and to strive continually to reach our personal enlightenment goal.Ashtanga Yoga is a style of yoga which is practiced in stages. Ashtanga students only benefit if they progress and their own in...more
