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Yoga Bags - A Helpful Medium
... Practicing yoga is very easy provided one does the yoga according to ones capabilities. It wouldn't be advisable for a 50-year-old person to attempt yoga for the first time and start doing poses which are done by 20-year-olds. So if you want to get yoga poses right then there are some things which will be handy for you such as mats, straps, physio balls, yoga foam bl...more
Astrological Influence Over Your Education
...f logic, grammar and philosophy: The good constellations for studying grammar are the Rohini, Mrigasara, Punarvasu, Pushya, Hasta, Dhanistha and Revati. Mercury - the intellectual planet however needs to be strong. The auspicious constellations for the other subjects - logic and the philosophy are the Srav...more
This is Not Your Grandma's Rocking Chair
...Even in the summer, they faithfully continue to practice Chair Yoga.Senior Yoga students have more ailments than any other age group, and they do less complaining than their grandchildren. On top of the fact that they have great social skills, seniors often refer their less fit, and younger, family members to my ...more
Benefits of Yoga in Chairs
...cus all your energy towards soul cleansing. These days, chair yoga has gained popularity in assisted living facilities, senior or old age homes, nursing homes, rehabilitation units and even in adult day care facilities. An ancient spiritual form, the positive effects of yoga will remain throughout your life.If you are looking for an avenue to get rid of the stress or the extra weight or ...more
Yoga Teacher for a Day, Part 1
...them.Getting back to the issue at hand - this example of a typical working day is based upon my experience, the experiences of my staff, and the experiences of Yoga teachers who I come into contact with. Please bear in mind that many Yoga teachers work part time, but there are many, like me, who work at teaching Yoga fu...more
