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Tips For Fast Weight Loss - The 3 Most Powerful Ways To Lose Weight, and yoga. Walking is great in itself, and I highly recommend you do it wherever you can. Let's go through the two other methods: running and yoga...A Note on Running: One major reason most people don't like running is because they're doing it too fast. Slow down, don't get out of breath and you'll realize how fantastic it really is. Running in a fat-burning z...more
Yoga - An Easy Way To Stay Healthy - Part 2
...engthen the lower back portion of the body. The Trikonasana gives an excellent and complete stretch throughout the entire body.Revolved Triangle Pose (Parivrtta Trikonasana): This asana is a opposing twisted Trikonasana and is a good exercise to follow the former one. The exercise helps in building a sense of coordination and ...more
The Purpose of Yoga- Cultivating More Seeds of Success Tips
...e are these hidden opportunities? The fact is - daily opportunities are not hiding anywhere. Most of us are not looking for them, or do not recognize an opportunity when we come face-to-face with one.If you have difficulty with this concept; watch a person who inspires you, and observe his or her formula for success. There is nothing wrong with imitating success. There is no need to...more
What Should a Hatha Yoga Teacher Know? – Part 1
...a complete understanding of how the physical body works.Asanas are the postures held during Yoga practice. Hatha Yoga teachers do not have to know hundreds of Asanas to teach a Yoga class, but they should be very familiar with 26 to 100 different Yoga postures - depending upon the style of Yoga. Yoga teachers should be able to design a lesson plan using these pos...more
What is Fitness-Yoga?
...combining the use of Yoga with other types of body-weight exercises, such as calisthenics could also be a very wise choice for optimal fitness and health.Several people are discovering these benefits and they range from athletes, to dancers to body-builders.It has been said that old East-Indian Wres...more
