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Yoga in Practice:Mindfulness and Meditation at Work
...r a lecture on company policy. This is a shame because these Yogic practices would help many companies become more productive, focused, and create an atmosphere of harmony for everyone.The largest causes of production loss, at work, are daily distractions and absenteeism. As we know, many employees need a break from work; and the more...more
More About Yoga Therapy for Increasing Self-Worth
...n. Meditation time should never be spent on negative thoughts, or rehashing past mistakes. We cannot change the past, and we must realize what parts of our lives can realistically be controlled. There are situations in life, which are far beyond our control, and we have to come to a realization about the limits of our control.We are responsible ...more
Tantric Yoga Positions
...e practice can be found on different beliefs and ideas, such as Jainism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and even the New Age Movement.Tantric yoga positions and the practice itself also consider our universe as an expression of either the Cosmic Mother (Shakti), the Spirit, or even the life force, depending on what faith or religion they based it on. Frankly, it is not easy to become an...more
Hot Yoga - Cleansing Your Mind, Body, and Soul Through Yoga
...e, acupuncture, Reiki, Rolphing, Tai Chi, all promising optimum health. But it's when a friend invited me to partake in a hot-yoga session that my health and life eventually changed!So what is Hot Yoga you ask? Well although Yoga may be a common phrase around the households of the world, rarely do people reall...more
Exercise While Pregnant - Use Yoga To Calm Your Body And Mind
...g in a positive and nurturing environment with others who are in the same situation as you will help to give you an emotional boost right when you need it most.There are many yoga poses particularly that are designed for use while pregnant, including the Cobbler or Tailor pose. This is a sitting pose that helps to op...more
